Archive for the ‘wildern’ Category

Using WildernTV to showcase your Digital Media

July 3, 2008

On July 1st 2008, Longton CLC worked with Staffordshire Partnership to deliver an exciting course called school TV. The course sows teachers how to to get their digital media, such as movies, music and image galleries online in a safe environment.

The course went well with 20 teachers in attendance. Phil explained how the City Learning Centre has created an account for them to use on the day. After a brief overview of “iMovie” and “I can animate” the teachers all set about making their own short films.

After Lunch, the films were uploaded to the LongtonTV interface. The films were then approved for viewing by the moderator. This all took just a few minutes to complete.

Brilliant animations online, free of charge, in minutes and no danger of unsuitable material being viewed by the students.
Teachers are constantly faced with the problem of where to display the great examples of students work to a wider audience, and how to do it safely.

Developed as a “YouTube” workaround. Tim Dalton, ICT Development Manager at Wildern School Southampton used “TrilbyTV to begin a pilot scheme last year.
The Wildern TV interface uses a special filter that allows teachers to become moderators. This gives them the ability to decide who should be able to view their work.

Materials created by yr 10 students may not be suitable for students in KS1-2. This ability to filter is very useful for teachers.

If you are interested in learning how to create your own School TV channel, contact the Longton High City Learning Centre.

Find out more aboout WildernTV